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Vedubox Exam System

Vedubox offers a highly developed question bank and test-and-exam system.

It is an online exam system that includes features like question bank, leaf test, and trial exam.

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How does it work?

The Vedubox question bank provides the test-exam system to you incrementally.


Create Question

Many questions types such as multiple-choice, multiple-choice multiple answers, gap-filling, true or false, yes or no, drag and drop, questions with pictures, matching, putting in order, matrix and likert are supported. The questions are kept in the question bank.


Create Test

The questions created in the first stage are selected from the question pool and tests are created after necessary adjustments. The order of questions can be changed for each user.


Creating an Exam

You can choose the tests you created in the previous stage and create a quiz after a few simple adjustments.

Exam Proctoring

Optionally, exam proctoring is offered in an integrated way.

Key Features

  • Evaluation: Instant automatic evaluation
  • Reporting and Management: Adding users in different roles such as teacher and administrator, reports like course and content management, registered student, daily and monthly income.
  • Online Payment: Iyzico and PayPal
  • Social Networking: Social networking between trainers and students
  • Online Storage: It allows you to add files in any format like pdf, word, power point, drawing, etc. to courses.
  • Asynchronous Exam : Users can be assigned to exams and asked to take the exam within a certain period of time (1 day, 1 week, 1 month …).
  • Synchronous Exam: Online exams can be prepared for any number of users as starting and ending at the same time.
  • Question Bank: Questions created and arranged in categories within the question bank.
  • Shuffle: Shuffle questions orders and answers options
  • Exam Supervision: Optionally, exam supervision (proctoring) is offered in an integrated way.
  • PDF Exam: Prepare exams in minutes by adding PDF quizzes.
  • Mobile: Take exam from mobile phone or tablet.
  • Advanced Analysis: Automatic analysis and reports of the exam results are generated.
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Other Features

Vedubox makes a difference in distance education with its online exam system and many additional features besides basic facilities it offers.

  • You can create your own questions in an unlimited number. Questions and answers can be prepared as text, visual, and video.
  • Tests can also be created by selecting questions from the question bank individually or randomly.
  • Tests are automatically evaluated and reported. In addition, open-ended questions can be evaluated by the instructor.
  • Exams are created by combining the tests. Exams are also automatically evaluated and reported.
  • Through our Question Bank, Test and Exam System, tests and exams can be prepared with different question types (drag and drop, multiple choice, matching, true-false, open-ended etc.).
  • By this way, you can get rid of uniform tests and exams and help your students reach the results in different ways.
  • Each student’s answers to the test and exam questions can be viewed in detail and can be followed up effectively.
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